
about me:

I was born on a tea plantation in the northeast state of Assam. With hundreds of acres to roam, it was ironically the kitchen that became the object of my curiosity and imagination. Fresh flour, vegetables from the garden, spices, hot oil. Somehow, the cooks could make sense of it all. I suppose that combination of discipline and creativity was fascinating to the younger me, and it is how I cook for our guests to this day. I am not a classically trained chef: I am a home cook. I cook for my family and I cook with love.

For me, cooking is about precision as much as it is about instinct, memory, and hospitality. I have spent my life traveling India with friends and family to learn about its formal culinary traditions, but the best meals have inevitably been spontaneous and home-cooked. Those recipes, whispered from one generation to the next are what I share with the new friends we make at each dinner.